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Evasion de Mohamed Amra : quatrième vague d’interpellations ce lundi, dont le rappeur Koba LaD

Vingt-quatre personnes ont été arrêtées ce lundi dans le cadre de l’enquête sur l’évasion de Mohamed Amra, au péage d’Incarville dans l’Eure, en mai 2024.

24 people, including rapper Koba LaD, were arrested in the fourth wave of arrests related to the May 2024 escape of Mohamed Amra from a prison convoy, during which two prison officers were killed. Amra was arrested in Romania in February 2025. 27 people, plus Amra, have been charged in connection with the escape, including members of the commando and individuals who aided in planning other escape attempts and in the escape itself. Amra is currently incarcerated in a high-security prison.

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